The awakening

The awakening of the endemic of generation special snowflake syndrome has come to me later in life.  It's revelation was quite painless, but on reflection has made me aware of the pain in the ass I probably was when I was suffering my rather sever bout of special snowflake syndrome in my late teens and early twenties.

Urban dictionary defines special snowflakes syndrome as "A malady affecting a significant portion of the world's population wherein the afflicted will demand special treatment, conduct themselves with a ludicrous, unfounded sense of entitlement, and generally make the lives of everyone around them that much more miserable."  When you are suffering special snowflake syndrome as a generation you are typically completely unaware that you have contracted it.  You simply waltz through life assuming that everyone else has the problem - because you, precious little snowflake are different and unique and the world just doesn't know how to handle you or your fellow snowflakes yet.

The think is... it's highly likely you are going through a typical age appropriate delusion that you're generation is misunderstood, knows the problems that face the world better than anyone else and are much more enlightened about work and life that any generation preceding you.  Anyone ever felt that way?

Much like glandular fever, I wasn't aware that I'd ever had special snowflake syndrome until a conversation recently with a young gen-Y (side note - did you know how long that generation is?  1980-2000! WTF?!?)  Said gen-Y was discussing the need for millennial's (seriously your gen-Y get over needing a new name!) to find meaning in work to feel engaged.  That they needed to feel a sense of belonging and welcome, along with ownership.  Apparently it's a huge problem for millennials and really effects business operations and profitability... (hmmmm some serious stats would be nice gen-Y but don't let that get in the way of making your argument).   Anyway the short of it is - this is apparently a huge problem for all companies and we must focus on millennial engagement or suffer the consequences of lost productivity.  The thing is... in that moment I recognized my younger self making a similar argument about the changing nature of work and the need for balance and meaning that the generation before me didn't understand. When was this bit of wonder brought forth in conversation? About the same age as my new gen-Y friend.

How conveniently same same - but different.

The gen-X one.
